Gameplay Journal Entry #1

Ashley Prieto
2 min readJan 17, 2021

I have been playing a lot of Pc games lately, The game I have been playing the most has been Genshin Impact published by miHoYo. This game is a Open World RPG with a team party based system. The player can swap out different characters to make their party of four different then other players and have different abilities and element control. All the enemies in the game are also element based so using the proper element character will bring your chances for winning battle much higher. I found this very interesting and fun! The game is designed in an anime stylized world which makes just running around the world and exploring extremely entertaining. The amount of reward the game gives the player is very impressive and makes the grinding quests all the more worth the time. Each character is designed so well that players will do almost anything to obtain that character. The character in cut scenes is more beautiful for the player experience. This made me think of Helen Kennedy and Jon Dovey’s thoughts on Character meshes. To Quote;

“Compare the character meshes in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. Figure 3.2 has a far more detailed look than Figure 3.1 — it is made up of more polygons. This is because it has been designed for use in the video ‘cut scenes’– the non-interactive movie sequences that often introduce and top and tail levels in a game. The cut scenes can handle far more polygons in their design because they are not interactive, they are per-recorded;the console or PC does not have to build the graphic ‘on the fly’ instantly, in response to the player’s instructions.”

The game has a Zelda type story line with different tombs that have puzzles to solve in order to gain a chest! Instead of just items and skill trees to push the player along with goals to accomplish the game makes players grind for a certain item that allows the player to wish for new characters to join the party. This gives the player such satisfaction in collecting all the characters alone that when they get great rolls and the characters they want the joy is amazing! The controls are rather normal for a china made game but Keyboard and mouse WASD and F to pick up with E and Q for special attacks. Pressing escape will bring up the player items, map, wishes, quests, and daily events panel.

