Gameplay Journal Entry #2

Ashley Prieto
2 min readJan 27, 2021

The game I played this week is Death by Daylight. I loved this game and have been playing for some time. For someone who is typically a loner type gamer with online platforms, this game allows you to play solo or with a team. There are essentially two roles the player can chose from for their experience, Killer or Survivor. This game is made with Unreal Engine 4. Lucky for me I am very familiar with this engine as I have been using it for my workshop project. It was easy for me to spot the Sky globe and map layouts while playing the game. Unreal has a vary easy to learn system for game worlds that allow the developer to choose the Skydome and map whereabouts and exit points. As you play you will notice there are two different camera modes. Survivor is set in the first-person camera to allow for better chasing strategy and overall fast level movement. The other camera mode is while playing the survivor campaign. This will show your player character and allow for you to quietly and slowly make your way around the map without getting caught by the killer.

With knowing how Unreal Engine 4 works. The animations are done by using a blend space and animation montage for each model. This will allow the 3D characters created to move thru certain poses to convey for a more impactful gameplay experience. The maps are simply created using 3D assets and particle systems for things like mist and weather. The darkness and light points are created by using Unreal’s lighting features and then customizing the light color and contrast to be the way you want it. It is the same with the Skydome to make it a starry night sky or a sunrise. You simply use the customization for it to create your own dome. I really thing that when you want to develop a game as a developer you must investigate the game engine you think would suite the type of game you plan to make. Unreal is better for 3D first and third person games. While unity is better for 2D platform games.

As Henry Lowood stated “At its heart, the game engine is also a particular way of organizing the structure of computer game software; this structure separates execution of core functionality by the game engine from the creative assets that defi ne the play space or “content” of a specific game title.” Debugging Game History: a Critical Lexicon, by A. C. Deger et al., The MIT Press, 2016, pp. 204–204.

