Gameplay Journal Entry #8

Ashley Prieto
1 min readMar 10, 2021

The game I chose to play is called Gris. It is a 2D digitally drawn side scroller game made by Nomanda Studio that came out in 2018. This game is so different that any other game I have ever played. The artwork is so simple and yet detailed that it makes for such an interesting Gameworld. There are literally almost no loading screens, every moment you pass, a checkpoint is saved by playing a short scene of the story and only investing the player even more. The main character being a female helps with the lore of the overall games background and art style. It makes me reflect on this passage from the reading Flanagan, Mary. “A Game Design Methodology to Incorporate Social Activist Themes.” CHI 2007 Proceedings • Politics & Activism, pp. 187–187. I quote “There are specific reasons why gender-relevant research helped trigger the development of the framework presented here. For one, because so many people are engaged in playing computer games, games’ cultural influence in terms of gender disparity can no longer be ignored.”

I find this to be true with this game because of the female character making me as woman feel connected to the game right from seeing the game cover art. The character has a beautiful design and its very endearing for the player to keep interest. The character has a satisfying animation for running and jumping with the game world environment displays very well. The game goes from calming gameplay moments to boss battle that are super smooth and fun to interact with.

